Why Hop on GoSubmit?

GoSubmit How to Guide

Step 1: Start the Process

Visit the GoSubmit platform and begin your easy journey by hitting the “create” button located prominently on our interface. Here, you’ll be prompted to add your document files, submission details, and sort or package your files into organized collections for easier scrutiny and navigation. Select PDFs from your device, Dropbox, Google Drive, or any other storage space, and upload them in a snap.

Step 2: Furnish Critical Information

Once your files are uploaded successfully, enrich your submission by providing additional information. Input your reviewers’ email addresses to grant them access to your submission. Set a due date for their responses as a gentle reminder not to surpass the deadline. Include preference settings to control feedback, such as comment type and whether to allow document download or not.

After uploading, enrich your submission by adding vital details. Enter reviewers' emails for access, set a due date, and control feedback with preferences like comment type and document download permissions.

Step 3: Manage Reviews

The third key step involves managing the comments or reviews from your reviewers. GoSubmit’s platform automatically captures and organizes comments and responses within the set timeframes. You can easily filter and view these by document, page, name, or date. This comprehensive overview lets you keep a close eye on your feedback stream and maintain a proactive approach in addressing comments.

Why Hop on GoSubmit?

Accelerate Your Workflow!

GoSubmit is not merely a PDF review platform. It’s a productivity-boosting tool that supercharges your workflow, collaboration with clients, feedback process, and consequently, your earning potential!

Unleash Growth with GoSubmit

With GoSubmit at your arsenal, freelancers from diverse industries can soar into productive zones, effortlessly coordinating their work, constantly monitoring project progress, and seamlessly collaborating with their clients. Revel in the power of comprehensive comment management tools, such as reply-only mode. This tool gives you absolute control over the feedback process to ensure a utopian balance between your creative freedom and valuable client feedback.

Rev up your productivity with GoSubmit! More than a PDF platform, it turbocharges workflows, client collaboration, and feedback loops for enhanced earnings.

Streamlined, Efficient, and Prompt Payment

With GoSubmit, you streamline not just work processes but payment processes too! With an efficient workflow, you’ll complete projects faster and more effectively, leading to prompt payments for your services.

Boost productivity, pump up client satisfaction and ascend towards financial success – all this with the ‘GoSubmit’ assurance!

Ready to boost your freelancing career? Visit https://gosubmit.io and get started today!

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